For patients undergoing a skin check or seeking care for a lesion that is suspicious for melanoma, the lesion evaluation process can be very mysterious and scary. If patients understand the process and the lesion-evaluation tools that are available, they are in a better position to be active participants in their own care. This is beneficial to support shared decision making, particularly regarding the use of non-invasive tools that can potentially save the patient from an unnecessary biopsy.
The section below provides an overview of the evaluation of suspicious pigmented lesions, with a special focus on the potential role for non-invasive tests, including the noninvasive genetic sticker test. Please consider using this resource to educate your patients.
We wish to thank Laura K. Ferris, MD, PhD, Professor of Dermatology, University of Pittsburgh, and Orit Markowitz, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, for their review of these materials.
Content released January 13, 2023.